penny :: minneapolis pet photographer

I know it’s not going to shock anyone when I say that I love cats. No one fell over? K good. But what if I was to say that I met a cat that if my girls knew how smitten I was for her I might be locked out of the house? … That may have gotten some people! Meet pretty,...

Road Trip!

What a week!! I just spent the last 6 days driving across the country with my dad and his dog, visiting some great friends whose backyard is Yellowstone River and front yard is Yellowstone park and taking quite a few photos of the amazingness around me. It was great....

three dog bakery, omaha

While I was in Iowa last week I spent time helping the fam find their new pup, Memphis. Before we knew about Memphis we started our search for the perfect dog in Omaha at their humane society. Before getting there we made a quick detour to Three Dog Bakery because I...

American Animal Rescue :: mpls pet photographer

2 1/2 weeks ago (wow! really? already?) I was lucky enough to spend my day with the awesome and incredibly talented Karin Newstrom taking photos of rescue animals that are available for adoption from Ruff Start Rescue as well as Second Hand Hounds. We went up to Sit...

playing dress up :: minneapolis pet photos

we’ve been over this. I love mail. All kinds of it. The e kind and the physical ‘old school’ in the box kind. And I like to make others happy by getting it because I know I’m not alone in this sentiment. so yesterday when I got home from a busy, busy day at work I was...

tis spring

since we didn’t really have much of a winter I’ve been hesitant to say “hooray! it’s spring!” buuuuuuuuut I think we might be there. It’s been rather warm, the buds are budding, the girls have taken to wining at the door to the square whenever I’m home, I have most...