Untitled Blog Post Name

… i started writing a post yesterday morning – or at least what i think translates to yesterday morning at this point – but it didn’t get very far. i spent most of yesterday running around completely nutso. i got up nice and early to bake muffins for my coworkers who seem to appreciate my baking. i then took my completely packed pack and started repacking it, i think just to make my brain even more fried. and all of this was through waves of tears and sadness mixed with laughing and popping out to the warm New Zealand sunshine for a few last moments. then more goodbyes, more ‘last’ things and then the FINAL goodbyes. these were also accompanied with the same waves of tears, sadness, excitement and laughter. however after a favorite beer at the greatest pub i ever went to, the attacks of tears were a little more sporadic. i was thankful for that.


And now as i write the actual post that i started yesterday, i am 22 hours into my day of travel, feeling pretty dingy, pretty tired and pretty much on auto-pilot. I’m sitting at LAX waiting for my last and final flight before i get to snuggle the girls, hug my dad, have a Minnesotan beer and try to figure out how to combat this sort of jet lag. 

I feel like this post isn’t doing my final thoughts justice. but i’m also not positive how i’d do that. and maybe i just need more time. so let’s go with that. consider this a current set of feelings and not yet a reflection of my life for the last 10 months. i think once i get back into the swing of walking on the right side of the sidewalk, saying ‘to go’ instead of ‘take away’ and asking about ‘trash cans’ instead of ‘rubbish bins’ then i might be in a better place to think about my so-amazing-i-wouldn’t-change-a-thing life that i’ve lived for 10 months 1/2 way around the world. 

but for now, how about we just cheers to new adventures, whatever they are and where they may lead.