Oh hello March of the year 2020. What a weird place we find ourselves in! The world is in a very scary place, the media is flinging news not only at our heads but also our hearts and I can’t see friends OR loved ones for fear of their safety, my safety and the collective human safety. Huh. 

Yeah, I know I was in the club that thought our world was vulnerable to things like disease and pandemics, but I didn’t really think I’d see it come to fruition so quickly. I honestly didn’t even know the difference between the words ‘epidemic’ and ‘pandemic’ until about 2 weeks ago. 

Tell me, March, are you concerned with what your story will look like in the history books? I mean, your legacy is pretty set in stone. You will forever be remembered as the month the pandemic was taken seriously (and then not so seriously and then seriously again and then not really that big of a deal) in the US. 

You are the month that as a small business owner I felt unstoppable and you are also the month that stopped me in my tracks to re-evaluate my plans. 

You are the month that encouraged my family, which is spread across much of the country these days, to all shelter in place. You are the month that introduced to me the term ‘shelter in place.’ You are also the month that introduced the idea of concerts on balconies, in livings rooms and on rooftops around the world in the spirit of uniformed solidarity yet uniformed togetherness. 

You are the month that shut down the US national park system so they could do their part in preventing the spread. And you are the month that brought the absolutely tragic death toll, unbelievable exhaustion of our health care system and our unemployment rates to a new high.

That’s a rather unique place to be in! As your remaining days are numbered, I wonder if you have any final thoughts? I realize you may need some time to pull those together, so get back to me when you can. Sooner than later, of course. 

Hey April – what do you think your legacy will be? Will yours be of triumph? Gosh I hope so. I also hope it’s a legacy of love, acceptance, cooperation and a better way.
